The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of Christian Spirituality
On Sunday, February 20, 1994, Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration began at St. Mary Magdalene. Perpetual Adoration is a devotion in which the consecrated Eucharist remains exposed in the monstrance for veneration by the faithful. Adoration continues without interruption 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our Lord continues to call us to come closer to Him. Adorers take that step by making the commitment and sacrifice of spending an hour in prayer each week with our Lord, truly present in the Eucharist. Some Adorers may only be able to come one or two times per month. They may wish to join a "Prayer Team" covering an hour; that way there will always have someone in attendance for that hour.
What is Perpetual Adoration?
Perpetual Adoration is a Eucharistic devotion whereby members of the Parish unite in taking hours of adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament, both during the day and throughout the night, seven days a week.
Why is this so important?
Jesus waits for us to come and see Him, face-to-face. We show our love by making our relationship with Jesus a priority -- committing a time to visit Him every week and working our schedule around it. He calls us to a closer relationship through prayer. Is there a better place to be than in His presence?
Why is exposition in the monstrance preferred?
To see Jesus visibly is much more conducive to intimacy than hidden away in the tabernacle. Knowing that He is exposed and waiting for us adds an extra responsibility on the adorers to be faithful to their scheduled hour since the suggested norm for having Jesus exposed in the monstrance is that there should be at least two adorers present.
Why commit?
The way we let someone know we love them is through a commitment to the relationship. When we do something that takes extra effort shows that we care. Commitment to a weekly hour -- the same hour of the same day each week -- is a small sacrifice of our time in love for God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
A visit from time to time may meet a current need to be with Jesus, but the perpetual commitment is a sacrifice that furthers our relationship with God and the love that He shares with us in His Son.
Perpetual adoration is a sacrifice of time and working our schedule around this time may be problematic. Do not let this impede your desire to commit and visit Him. You can be part of a Prayer Team. This is where two or three adorers share the same hour so that at least one will always be there. The Adoration Team will work with you to get on a team.
You can request a substitute on the link in your weekly adoration reminder.
You will need your personal coded keycard. This card identifies your entry by unlocking the door.
Keycard access is a big part of security, however, you are the primary person responsible for your safety and security. Please be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. It is important that you do not allow anyone to enter; they must use their own card.
I’m Ready to Make a Commitment!
I’m ready to spend time with the Lord — the best hour of my week.