get involved
sharing our talents with the parish and the community
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
St. Mother Teresa
Immediate Needs for Volunteers
Teaching our children our faith is most rewarding. Parents, grandparents and teens are welcome to teach. We provide training.
Time Commitment: September - April, a few hours a month.
Formation Office Helper
The Formation Office is always looking for volunteers to help in the office. The tasks may include door greeter, making copies for the catechists, helping get the classrooms ready and more.
Ongoing Opportunities
Work with the Youth
Our youth need role models of all ages and backgrounds.
What is needed? A love for Christ and willingness to share that love and faith with the youth. You can work with our youth directly or behind the scenes.
Serve at Mass
There are many opportunities for serving at Mass — at the altar and behind the scenes.
We offer childcare on Sundays for the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses, as well as for other parish functions. Volunteers willing to care for our little ones are always welcome.
Facilities Volunteer
When there is a need to fix or make improvements to the facilities, they look for solutions. Members of the facilities volunteer team do-it-all, fix-it-all.
Join the team!
If you enjoy gardening, help us keep our campus grounds beautiful.
Planting, watering, and pruning are some of the responsibilities.
Seasonal Opportunities
Serve as a Couple
Married couples can also benefit from Engaged Encounter by becoming presenting teams. Your marriage will be enriched by sharing your experiences with the engaged couples, and they will have a realistic view of what marriage is.
Volunteers are needed to maintain the flow of traffic on Ash Wednesday, Easter Sunday, Christmas and the International Festival.
If you are 16 or older, you can help!
Time Commitment: 2-4 hour shift per event.
International Festival
This is an all-hands-on-deck event!
You can help in the planning, represent your country, help at booths, set up and clean up and much more.
Time Commitment: Usually, work is in shifts.
Habitat for Humanity
You can make a difference in someone’s life by helping in the construction of a Habitat for Humanity of Greenville home.
Time Commitment: Some mornings/afternoons from April to July.
Vacation Bible School
Volunteers are needed before, during and after VBS.