Columbarium Garden
A Beautiful and serene resting place
Prearrangement is an important decision you can make now for peace of mind for you and your family.
you may purchase a niche license in the Columbarium Garden by contacting our Columbarium representative.

A columbarium on a church campus is the ideal space for the Catholic burial of ashes. The cremated remains are treated reverently and reposed in a consecrated space where there is perpetual care. This shows respect for our deceased family members, eases the bereavement process and affirms the unique dignity of each person and our belief in the resurrection of the body.
St. Mary Magdalene Columbarium Garden is a beautiful and dignified resting place for you and your family.
Our Columbarium Garden provides:
An attractive alternative to Christian burial for our loved ones.
Blessings and benefits to you, your family, our church members and the greater community.
A beautiful, serene and prayerful setting where all can come and pray.
Mass of the resurrection offered where the remains are interred.
A secure and perpetually maintained resting place.
Easy access for loved ones to come to pay their respects and offer prayers.
Peace of mind for you and the family having made this important decision and prearrangement.
Niche Structure
There are six structures, each holding 84 dual niches, for a total of 504 dual niches.
St. Mary Magdalene Columbarium Garden
Procession Walkway
Procession Walkway
Columbarium Garden Location - Across from the Adoration Chapel
Niche Licensing Information
To License Your Columbarium Garden Niches:
All niches are dual which may accommodate one or two urns. Pricing is for one or two urns.
A dual urn license fee is $10,000.
A single urn license fee is $5,000. (May be upgraded later for a second urn.)
Make check payable to St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church and in the memo line write “Columbarium Garden.”
Required Columbarium Documents:
We recommend downloading and reviewing these documents before you come in for your licensing appointment.
To Schedule a meeting to license a columbarium niche:
Email columbarium@smmcc.org or call 864-537-4232.
Columbarium Garden Town Hall Meeting
Watch our Town Hall meeting presentation, review some of the frequently asked questions below, and let us know if you have other questions.
What is a columbarium?
A place where a burial vault is provided for the containment of urns holding cremated human remains.What are the benefits of a columbarium?
It provides a peaceful and serene place for the deceased to be interred on the grounds of their beloved Church.Who can be interred in our columbarium?
Our Church’s parishioners and their immediate family members (including non-Catholics) can be interred. Members of other Catholic churches and other faiths can be interred with the approval of the pastor.Can anyone else be interred in our columbarium?
With the permission of the Pastor, other non-parishioners may be interred in our Columbarium Garden.How many niches are there?
Six structures holding 84 dual niches, for a total of 504 dual niches.How large is the dual niche?
The niche opening is 12.5” x 12.5” and is 14” deep.Can a specific niche location be purchased?
Yes. Niches are available on a first-come, first-served basis when purchasing a license.What else does the license fee include?
The niche door engraving as well as the niche opening and closing.Can more than one niche be purchased?
Yes. Multiple niches may be purchased and licensed for family members.What can be inscribed on the niche?
The interreds’ names, dates of birth and death only – nothing else per Diocesan rules.If a single urn is licensed, can a second urn share the same niche?
A second urn can only be placed in the same niche with the permission of the original licensee. The license fee for a second urn applies.When is payment made for the niche?
Full payment, cash or check, is due when purchasing the license.May the cremated remains be at the Mass?
The cremated remains may be present at the Mass.How will the columbarium maintained?
The columbarium and the surrounding area will be well-maintained perpetually.
If you have questions, please contact the columbarium representative.
(864) 537-4232