Serving in any of our Liturgical ministries gives you a wonderful opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another.
Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” or during Mass, your talents and God-given gifts help our liturgies to be truly a life-giving celebration.
Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries.
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Altar Servers
The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy.
Altar servers set an example to the congregation by really participating in the Mass (singing, saying the responses, sitting or standing at the right time, etc).
Audio & Visual
There are two different opportunities for serving. Operating the soundboard during Mass or operating the video cameras to livestream the Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers contribute to the liturgies by assisting our priests and deacons in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ.
The Lector proclaims the Word of God during the “Liturgy of the Word” in the vocal presentation of the first and second readings at all Masses.
Greeters welcome parishioners and guests as they arrive for weekend Masses. Through this ministry, we foster a sense of “family” within our parish and provide assistance for newcomers and guests. Greeters often bring the bread and wine to the altar for consecration as part of the offertory procession.
Members of the Music ministry share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song, lead the assembly in musical prayer, and inspire all who hear our music to become closer to God.
Children’s Choir
Not only do the children sing at Mass throughout the school year, but they will also develop musical skills that translate to other areas of their lives.
Children in grades 3-8 can participate.
The role of the usher is to assist visitors and parishioners in being welcomed. They assist in seating people, collecting offerings and assisting in emergencies.
There are many behind the scene opportunities to support our liturgies.
Simple and Humble Groups Serving our Parish
Altar Linens - This group launders the linens that are used during the Mass.
Flower Arrangement - This group enhances our liturgical celebrations by providing beauty on the altar.
Monday Cleanup Crew - This group helps keep order and clutter-free pews and does some light cleaning in the church.
Sacristans - Prepares the altar for the celebration of Mass.
Interested in serving? Please contact servants@smmcc.org.
If you would like to learn more these and other ministries, please contact our Ministries Coordinator.