youth Ministry
St. Mary Magdalene Parish recognizes the desire of parents to keep their children involved in the church. Our programs will give your youth the opportunity to experience, witness, accept and share Christ's love.
A Program for You!
Altar Servers
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Children's Choir
The Children’s Choir sings at special Masses during the year.
Children in grades 3-8 can participate.
Middle School Youth Group. Our purpose - To provide Middle School youth the opportunity to create meaningful lasting Christian friendships while discussing how the Catholic Faith can with making decisions. We meet on Friday nights from 7-9pm.
A new youth group for 5th Graders. Our purpose - to create an opportunity for 5th graders to meet other 5th graders and introduce them to the world of youth ministry. We meet every other Friday night from 7-8pm.
Life Teen
High School Youth Group. Our purpose - To give High School Teens the opportunity to: Experience, Witness, Accept, and Share Christ’s love. We meet Sunday’s at 7:30pm following the Youth Mass
Check out our scouting groups.
Jóvenes Católicos Sin Fronteras
Our Hispanic Youth Group - Meets on Friday nights from 7-9pm