News & Information
We are Hiring!
Director of Christian Formation - FT
The Director of Christian Formation is instrumental in planning, organizing, and implementing religious education programs for those children/teens in the parish, grades K5 through 8 including sacraments. This role involves collaborating with clergy, staff, volunteers, and parishioners to foster a vibrant faith community. The Director ensures that Christian Formation aligns with the teachings of the Catholic Church and meets the spiritual needs of the parish.
Click here for the job responsibilities and requirements.
To apply, email your resume, cover letter and references to Mike Sylvester at
upcoming events
A New Session of Alpha Begins
We meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Life Building.
Alpha is for everyone, from questioning skeptics to those looking to reinvigorate their faith, Catholic or not.
A New Session of Alpha Begins
We meet at 9:15 a.m. in the Parish Life Building.
Alpha is for everyone, from questioning skeptics to those looking to reinvigorate their faith, Catholic or not.
High School Ladies Retreat
Ladies of High School are invited to a Retreat on Jan. 24-26 at a house on Lake Bowen. This is a small retreat limited to 12 ladies.
Sign up before Jan. 17th
Cost is only $30.
Date Night
The theme for our Date Night is “So in Love.”
Hosted by the Covenant & Connection Marriage Ministry
The cost is $55 per couple. Childcare will be provided.
His Way at Work
St. Mary Magdalene is hosting a consecration Mass on Monday, January 27, at 7 p.m. for business owners interested in joining His Way at Work.
There will be a social and informational meeting afterward in the Parish Center.
Owners can find out more about the organization, what membership entails and register at:
AWE Night
Join us after 6 p.m. Mass for an evening of praise and worship in adoration of our Lord.
Catholicism 101
The New Series of Catholicism 101 starts today!
Church History
Facilitator: Deacon Roger Schonewald
Join us on Mondays at 7 p.m. in the Parish Life Building.
High School BonFire
High School Students are invited to join our annual Bonfire.
Cost is $15- Includes, Dinner, Music, Friends, Fun, and a Bonfire.
For more information contact Joe Maggio at or 864-537-4255
Shining the Light on the Darkness of Human Trafficking
This program is recommended for adults, high school, and mature middle school students.
There is no cost for this event and childcare is available, but we ask that you RSVP by February 3.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
After all the morning Masses.
Come over and enjoy homemade pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, grits, coffee and orange juice.
The cost is $8/person, $4/children 12 and under, and $25/family maximum. Proceeds are donated to seminarians and Catholic Charities.
Adoración Nocturna
Acompáñanos en una vigilia de adoración nocturna empezando a las 9 p.m. en el salón de niños en la iglesia.
AWE Night
Join us after 6 p.m. Mass for an evening of praise and worship in adoration of our Lord.
High School Diocesan Youth Conference
High School Youth are invited to join us at the 2025 DYC in Columbia
Friday March 7 - Sunday March 9
Cost $200- includes transportation, 2 nights, 4 meals, and cost of the Conference
Register here before Feb. 13
For more information contact Joe Maggio (864) 537-4255 or
Middle School Spring Retreat at Camp Awanita
All Middle School Students are invited to
Camp Awanita for our annual Spring Retreat
Cost is $165 - includes retreat sessions, 5 Meals, camp activities, and an amazing time.
Register by March 21st
For more information contact:
Vinny - (864)757-2330
Joe - (864) 412-9514
Altar Server Training
We will have an altar server training for new and existing servers on Saturday, January 11, at 2 p.m. in the church.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Adoración Nocturna
Acompáñanos en una vigilia de adoración nocturna empezando a las 9 p.m. en el salón de niños en la iglesia.
Misa en Honor a la Virgen de la Altagracia
La comunidad dominicana le la parroquia los invita a celebrar la misa en honor a la Virgen de la Altagracia.
Celebrante: Obispo Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS.
Deanery Confirmation Rally
Deanery Confirmation Rally
All recently Confirmed and those preparing for Confirmation are encouraged to join us on January 12 at St. Mary Magdalene in the Parish Life Building.
Alpha en español
Alpha en español empieza
Deseamos extender una invitación a que consideren vivir la experiencia ALPHA los viernes a las 7:30 p.m. en el edificio Parish Life.
Women's Bible Study
Introduction to the Psalms
Starts Thursday, January 9, at 7 p.m. in the Parish Life Building.
Purchase your book HERE.
Women's Bible Study
Introduction to the Psalms
Starts Tuesday, January 7, at 9 a.m. in the Parish Life Building.
Purchase your book HERE.
Escuela de la Fe "Cristo Maestro"
Las clases empiezan el 5 de marzo a las 7:00 p.m.
Curso 11: La oración cristiana
El costo es $20.
Coordinadora: Nancy Naranjo 864-907-7727
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Mass Times
Christmas Eve
3 p.m. | 5 p.m. | 7 p.m. (Spanish) | 7 p.m. (Portuguese)
11:15p.m – Lessons and Carols followed by Midnight Mass
Christmas Day
9 a.m. | 11 a.m. | 11 a.m. (Portuguese) | 1 p.m. (Spanish) | 6 p.m.
Parking Volunteers
Organizational Meeting
6:30 p.m. in Parish Life Building
Sign up to volunteer and come to the meeting.
Revive la experiencia de Emaús
Reaviva tu fe - El ministerio de Emaús invita a todos los hombres que han vivido la experiencia del retiro de Emaús al primer reencuentro de servidores de Emaús.
Sábado 14 de diciembre a partir de las 8 a.m. en el gimnasio, concluyendo con la misa a las 7 p.m. en la iglesia.
Este evento es completamente gratuito.
Para más información, comuníquese al correo electrónico
Las Mañanitas de Nuestra Señora Virgen de Guadalupe
Rosario a las 10 p.m., misa en español a las 10:30 p.m. seguido por las Mañanitas.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Mass time for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., noon, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.
A holy day of obligation.
Breakfast with St. Nick
Join us for breakfast, a craft, singing and a story.
9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
This program is for preschool and elementary-grade children. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Photo opp with St. Nick will be available.
The cost is $5.00 per child. RSVP to Cindy Roth.
Christmas Caroling
6:30 p.m. at Harmony at Five Forks, 345 Five Forks Rd, Simpsonville, SC 29681
Wear festive Christmas attire, or just come as you are!
You don’t have to be a great singer -- just come and have fun! We will sing familiar carols and lyrics will be provided.
Sign up HERE.
Religious Items Exchange
8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Parish Center
Everyone is welcome to come over, look and take any items for free.
Thanksgiving Mass
Join Us for Mass at 9:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving.
Please note that this is the only Mass on this day.
Parish Mission
Parish Mission with Bishop Joseph Coffey.
Most Reverend Joseph L. Coffey is one of four Auxiliary Bishops of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA.
Learn more…
Parish Mission
Parish Mission with Bishop Joseph Coffey.
Most Reverend Joseph L. Coffey is one of four Auxiliary Bishops of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA.
Learn more…
Annual Veterans Gala
6-10 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Tickets are $30 per person. Veterans, their widows and those on active duty are free.
Email to purchase tickets.
Diocesan Middle School Rally
Middle School Students are invited to attend the
$65 includes Rally Registration, Transportation, Lunch and Dinner.
Registration is Closed. Please pray for the participants and leaders of the Rally!
Questions? contact or
Experiencia Emaús
Retiro de mujeres (Cupos llenos)
El retiro se llevará a cabo en Table Rock Retreat Center en Pickens. El costo es $150 e incluye alojamiento, comidas y programa.
Antorcha Guadalupana
La Antorcha llega a la Iglesia Santa María Magdalena.
Misa a las 7:30 p.m.
Para los que desean participar en la carrera, los esperamos a las 8 a.m. en el Fellowship Hall(Gimnasio) para ir a recibir la Antorcha en la línea estatal de Georgia.
Si tiene preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico a guadalupano@smmcc.og.
Grief Support Program
The Grief Support Ministry will hold its annual Memorial service on Monday, November 4, immediately following the noon Mass.
Those bereaved who are interested in attending and would like your loved one to be remembered, MUST RSVP and submit the names by October 31.
Refreshments will be served. A $10 donation would be appreciated but not required.
RSVP: or call 864-288-4884 ext. 4086.
Religious Items Sale
In the Parish Center after all weekend Masses
Credit/debit, cash and check are accepted.
Religious Items Sale
In the Parish Center after all weekend Masses.
Credit/debit, cash and check are accepted.
All Saints Day
Mass Schedule for All Saints Day
Morning: 7 a.m. | 8:30 a.m.
Afternoon: Noon | 4 p.m. | 7 p.m.
Brazilian Mass at 7 p.m. in the Parish Life Building
Ongoing Events
Rosary Live
Monday - Friday
at 6 p.m. on Facebook. -
Men's Bible Study
Tuesday Mornings, 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
in the Parish Life Building and via ZoomCome join us for an interactive study of Scripture and meet other men seeking the wisdom and knowledge of God.
No registration is necessary. Just bring your Bible and catechism.
Young Adults
Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
First Tuesday - Holy Hour
Second - Fourth Tuesday - Mass
Monthly social events.