As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children our faith and encourage a relationship with Christ. Bringing them to Mass sets a model for them for the future. It is at Mass where they are physically in the presence of Christ, where they hear God’s word and our praises. Is there really a better place for your child to be?
But for those times when your child may not be able to sit quietly, our church has two Parents Rooms available for your family.
We also provide loving on-campus childcare at no charge for registered parishioners with children ages four and under.
Childcare is provided during the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday Masses.
No reservation is required.
Childcare may also be available for children 12 and under for various ministry and parish events.
All Childcare employees and volunteers are screened and Safe Haven trained in compliance with the Diocese of Charleston Safe Environment policy.