Auxiliary #10819

Our Columbiettes Auxiliary at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church is part of a united organization of Catholic women first formed in 1939 in New York.  Currently, the Columbiettes have 245 auxiliaries - 10 auxiliaries in South Carolina - and a national membership of over 13,000 Catholic dues-paying women members.


Who can Join?

Our auxiliary is open to all women parishioners over 18 years old and is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus, but no relation to a Knight is required for membership.

We are called to serve God through faith, hope and charity.  Guided by our patronesses, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Theresa the Little Flower, and St. Joan of Arc, the Columbiettes are dedicated to loving and aiding all members of the human family.


What We Do

The Columbiettes donate their time and effort to support and raise funds for our Parish and many Catholic charities, we do direct volunteerism, we are involved in community activities and we work social events that give women the opportunity to meet and share their common interests and to make this a better place to live and raise our families.  We are an organization of women from all backgrounds "to be helping hands where needed.”

We also work to enrich the lives of our members and to help each member develop a stronger personal prayer life.  We work together, we pray together and along the way, we have a lot of fun!