Respect Life
As disciples of Christ, we are called to build a culture of life and to respect the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death.
The Respect Life Ministry lovingly seeks to promote this teaching through
awareness, action and prayer.
We participate in “Walking with Moms in Need” – an initiative inspired by Pope St John Paul II and sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). We are here to help women with unexpected or challenging pregnancies and mothers struggling to care for their young children find local assistance through our Catholic Church.
We will:
Be a positive support system, encouraging, praying, listening to, and supporting mothers in need without judgment,
Refer them to resources for medical help, financial needs, car seats, diapers, baby clothes, housing, transportation, food, and other things they might need, and walk them through using available resources.
We are always looking for women and men to join our team and to support our efforts to help spread awareness for Respect Life and Walking with Moms in Need among all of our parishioners. We especially need Spanish-speaking parishioners and to help mothers who speak Spanish and not English.
We are also looking for other ministries to partner with us to make St. Mary Magdalene an “island of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference,” as Pope Francis said.