Serve Christ

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10

Christ calls us to serve Him. Through our one common Baptism, all Christians are initiated into a new relationship with Christ and His Church and are called not only to “Come to Christ,” and “Live in Christ,” but also to “Serve Christ.” We Serve Christ by serving each other as an expression of faith, both individually and as an entire community of Christian believers. It allows the baptized to answer the command to “love one another” by being a beacon of His light within our parish and the broader community.


are my God-given gifts and abilities?


can I use my God-given gifts and abilities to serve the needs of my parish and community?


can I make serving Christ a priority in my life?

  • 1. Does Jesus really say we need to serve others?

    Yes, when he washes the feet of the apostles in John 13, He says specifically “as I have done for you, you should also do.” When we serve God we show God that we love Him. Serving others changes other people's lives, transforms your life as you better imitate Christ, and builds the kingdom of God.

    2. How do I serve others?

    When we share the gifts we have received from God (time, talent, skills built from experience, hospitality, teaching, treasure, etc) in the name of Jesus, we make Him present to others through a particular work of service and help them see the promise of Christ for their lives.

    3. Why can’t I just do my own thing without helping others?

    God created us out of sheer Love and generosity to give us a share in His happiness, wisdom, and power. When we make use of our gifts from Him, often called being blessed, we are said to serve and adore Him. Therefore, using our gifts for the service of others, rather than for simply our own benefit, is said to be thanking Him for these gifts. Gifts are meant to be used as a means to help the entire Church, not just ourselves.

  • As you serve Christ through serving others, you will find yourself with the opportunity to take the next step in your journey toward discipleship, “Share Christ” with others!

  • USCCB - Making Service Transformational

    Pope at Regina Coeli: Love means serving others, not controlling them

    A Theology of Service

    USCCB - The Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching

    Revive Parishes- free online courses to build lay leader skills for parish ministry.

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